Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
I hope that everyone had an enjoyable New Year!
It’s my first day back in the office and I decided to spend my lunch hour doing a little writing to clear my mind. I’m a firm believer of releasing energy instead of holding it inside.
Those who know me will attest to the fact that I am a super logical person who at the same time, am intrinsically intuitive in the metaphysics. Through the years, I have come to accept and learned to embrace that aspect of myself. I think the somewhat equal balance between my left and right brain activity level is one of the things that makes me a unique albeit complicated individual. Being a super logical thinker I am at the same time in possession of a keen sense of intuition is something which is both good and bad. It’s good when it comes to work and being around people I care about. I have a very good “feel” of what goes on most of the time and I am always able to help and heal when needed. On the other hand, it becomes a burden when dealing with issues of personal nature in general. All too often I find myself resenting my sense of intuition, which is usually right on the money 9 out of 10 times when it comes to people. My sense of logic is frequently in conflict with the other side of myself. In most cases, the emotional side takes precedence…. I always kick myself at the end. I am writing about this today because it is a New Year! I have decided that for 2016, my number one resolution will be something of an intangible/immeasurable nature. I am going to make it a resolution to follow my intuition as much as possible, even if it is just a gut feeling. Being the scientist I am at heart, given the track record of 90% accuracy, it should be a no-brainer.
I just need to stick to my core beliefs… to act in honesty, with integrity and loyalty and to all around me, look at people from a lens of compassion and to give love!
I read a quote recently that resonated my beliefs deeply by Trent Shelton, a former American football wide receiver who is currently the founder and president of a Christian-based non-profit organization, RehabTime.
“You deserve honesty. You deserve transparency. You deserve someone who respects you enough to never lie to your heart. You deserve appreciation. You deserve loyalty. You deserve someone who would never abuse your trust. You deserve love. You deserve someone who would still be there for you even when everyone else has walked away. You deserve someone who’s REAL. Never settle for less. – Trent Shelton”
I believe that we all deserve happiness! Unless we feel that we deserve it, we will never find it! It is the toughest lesson I’ve discovered in life. The path to finding true happiness may be tough but it is not out of reach.
What about you? What are your top personal resolutions for the year? What is important to you? I would love to hear about your number 1 resolution! Write to me Natasha@NatashaCastillo.com and I promise I will respond!
Time to get back to work! Lunch hour is over! Until next time, wishing you love in the New Year!