Hi everyone,
It’s a quiet weekend as most people opted to take this time to get out of the city. I, on the other hand, had chosen to stay around. My musical director Steven Ray Watkins came over for our second work session to get my November show in shape tonight. It’s a lot of work but it’s a labor of love. I am enjoying every moment of this. Putting together a solo cabaret show is a very demanding challenge, especially since I want to make it a show that people will love and never forget!
Now, it just occurred to me that I never told the rest of my story about my vandalized lock incident. Here it goes… I called the nearest police precinct on my way home and told them what happened. They told me that they will send someone over right away but they lied. It was a good hour before they actually showed up. In the meantime, I suffered a panic attack and felt myself on the verge of tears. After what felt like an eternity to me, the police finally came over and inspected my door. The verdict was that it was the result of criminal mischief. I was told that it looked like someone was just trying to “break” the lock and not “break-in”. As far as I was concerned, it was just as bad. The whole day ended up costing me $300 to get the lock replaced. How sad is that? To have to spend money on top of feeling violated. It’s totally wrong! BUT, the good thing is that because of this incident, I am much more vigilant and I am taking a LOT of safety precautions. I never want to feel the way I’ve felt that day again!
Anyway, given that it is so hot and sunny, I am assuming that many of you are hitting the beach. Obviously taking preventive measures like sunblock is best but just in case that you happen to get burned, Now almost everyone knows about aloe vera and cold compresses, but I have some additional tips for you:
1) Take a bath. Add a few heaping tablespoons of baking soda to a cool bath and soak for 10-15 minutes and allow your skin to air dry.
2) Drink lots of water and avoid soap and exfoliating agents when you bath because it will dry your skin even more.
3) Chill some mild lotion in the fridge and moisturize yourself as sun burn dries you skin up.
4) IF it hurts BAD, put a potato into a food processor or your magic bullet until it’s in liquid form and put that on your burn. It will help with the pain.
Hope you find this helpful!
Have a great evening! Until next time!