I can’t believe it! Tomorrow is closing night for “Anything But Ordinary”.
Time flew by so quickly! I can still remember the birth of “Anything But Ordinary”, at a park in Midtown with my wonderful Director Lennie Watts early September of 2012. Since then, four shows several months later, I am here in front of my computer thinking about tomorrow, my closing night! What a journey it has been. There have been tears and laughter along the way but they were all lessons learned. I will write more about this tomorrow when I am actually home as I prepare for my show.
In the meantime, if you haven’t done so, I strongly recommend that you RSVP for tickets now! This show is going to be a very special show as my Director Lennie is going to be my special guest star for the night!!
Come to my show and find out how does a Taiwanese girl born in Malaysia (named by Imelda Marcos!) end up singing in NYC? From escaping from the Philippines to an “accidental” explosion, you will see that there is always more to people than what meets the eye. With music from Shania Twain to Irving Berlin, this will be “Anything But Ordinary”!!
Direction by: Lennie Watts
Musical Direction by: Steven Ray Watkins
Bass: Dan Fabricatore
Drums: Tim Lykins
What a way to close my show! Here’s the link for you:
I am definitely feeling majorly grateful! Hope to see you there!
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