Hello Everyone! Happy Monday!
Most people who knows me sees me as the “happy girl” who always seem to be happy. Well, the truth is that it is not always so. I do have moments when I am down and out. The key is actually knowing when and how to pick yourself up from the gloom. Different people have different ways of dealing with gloomy moods. I find it most effective to do one of the following:
- First and foremost, I would allow myself time to be upset, angry or depressed. It’s unhealthy to repress emotions. I speak from experience! I used to hold everything inside. I reached the point where everything is so contained that I almost believed that I have no feelings. Boy… was that a big mistake, because there is ALWAYS a saturation point and when that point was reached, it was not a funny picture hahaha. Three years after my mother passed away, one day I started crying and cried for 3 days straight! I don’t recommend that at all! Give yourself an hour, a day or whatever deadline (reasonable) and allow yourself to mope around and cry if you feel the need to BUT at the end of that period, you need to snap out of that.
- I indulge myself with music. As is the case of many musically inclined people, I have a songs for each and every moment in time. When I am happy, I have songs, when I am angry, I have songs and when I am sad I have more songs. This tool is especially powerful during times when I am down. When I sing, the words and music channels all my energy externally and grounds me. If one song is not enough, I sing another one or sing that same song over again. The Sing a Song/I got the Music in Me song mash that Steven arranged for me at my show “Anything But Ordinary” is a PERFECT song that describes this sentiment! Here’s a LINK to the MP3 of my favorite version of this song! Check it out! 🙂
- Shopping therapy works very well sometimes! 😉
- OR… you can always write or talk to a friend about it. I am always open to listening to my friends. I am pretty good at cheering people up. After all, I got to keep up my reputation as “Hello Kitty” hahaha
All kidding aside, emotions are wonderful! It’s proof that you are alive! Don’t drown in it but experience and savor in it! That is my 2 cents for the day.
I want to leave you all with the recipe of the best, most refreshing lemonade I’ve had. It’s my non-alcoholic version of a mojito hahaha:
- Enough lemons to give you 1 cup of lemon juice
- 1/4 – 1/2 cup sugar or you can replace with a sugar substitute (I use Splenda or Agave)
- 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
- 1 cup sparkling mineral water
- Dash ginger ale
- 2 – 3 cups ice
- sparkling mineral water
It’s very simple. All you need to do is to put the lemon juice, sugar, mint, mineral water, ginger ale, and ice in a blender and blend until it’s all smooth. Save some slices of lemon and mint leaves as garnishment if you are serving this to guests or if you are artistically inclined to do so. Check it out and tell me what you think!
Until my next post, enjoy the sunshine and be happy!! 🙂